
Showing posts from April, 2022

Social Issues: Charlie Chaplin in modern times

  Social Issues: Charlie Chaplin in modern times     Unemployment = The movie showed massive unemployment, the job opportunities were very scarce in comparison to the demand for employment. Two particular scenes that represented this massive unemployment were-: The father of the female lead committed suicide, apparently, he was unable to find a job and had 3 daughters to raise, the stressed look on his face could be easily studied when he got home and sat on the chair. The stress and depression of not being able to earn money to raise his children resulted in him making a decision of taking his own life.           Another scene was where Charlie Chaplin ran to get a job in the factory after reading the newspaper article; there were hundreds of people crowded up for the same job. 2 people standing inside the gate did let in a certain no. of people, who managed to break through the crowd. Those people were literally random guys who