Social groups


Social groups

As a human being we all are part of some social groups. Here are some social groups that I have been a part of –

Family – Family is a primary social group that every person is a part of since birth. Its not a group we can choose or not choose to be a part of. As an 18- year-old I surprisingly might not have a lot of responsibilities but I do have the status of the eldest child and that automatically makes me responsible towards my younger sibling to become a guide and friend to him. As for the personality changes, as long as we live with our family, the sense of responsibility is always on the backhand, moving away from them to a different city, I think that sense kicked in pretty quick.  

Friends – This is a social group you can choose to be a part of or not. These people might or might not be similar to you. As a part of this group, I do not enjoy any special status, none of us do in the group, its just that some of us are mature, who assume responsibility for everyone and some are considered a kid. Being the later one has made me conscious about this personality trait of mine and I have been working on trying to be a responsible person.

Committee and club – I am a part of the magazine committee and the book club of the college. I am an editor and content writer in both the social groups. These again are social groups I chose to be a part of on voluntary basis. This makes me adhere to my duty of writing content when required and editing already written writeups. As for the personality aspect, reading and writing does affect a person’s personality in different ways. It gives me a different perspective about situations, let’s me express myself in words, provides exposure to different aspects and improves my speculations and thoughts.

Religion – like family, religion also happens to be a social group we become a part of since birth. This social group practically depends on the family we are born in. My status and role in this social group is linked to my family's status and role in the group. This group consists of a large number of people and unlike the first three groups it is not possible to know or be in contact with everyone. However, the group shares some common beliefs and follows some general norms as a part of a particular religion.

Sports team – A team is a social group you don’t necessarily have to be a part of but if you choose to be a part of it you might have to go through a selection process. I was in the badminton team of my school. Each person in the group had their own roles and were expected to fulfill their obligations. Being a part of this social group inculcated traits like teamwork and coordination in my personality.



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